It is with great joy and pride that we present to our Readers the jubilee, two hundredth issue of our journal, the publication of which coincides with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of its existence. This is a groundbreaking event for both the journal itself and the field of social sciences. For the past 50 years, we have accompanied scientists and practitioners in their efforts to develop knowledge about agriculture, rural areas and communities inhabiting these areas, in order to learn and better understand the multifaceted relationships between them. Despite the passage of so many years, our commitment to supporting the development of rural areas, building resilience and maintaining the vitality of the Polish countryside by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and equitable growth remains unwavering. On the other hand, maintaining the interdisciplinary nature of the quarterly, its inclusion in other renowned databases of scientific journals, its high position in Google Scholar Metrics TOP 100 (according to the citation index) are evidence of the progress we have made to develop and improve the quality of our journal.