Presentations included: History and Purposes of the Good Roads Movement (William H. Moore) --- Our National Policy (Martin Dodge) --- Improvement of Our Highways (J. B. Killebrew) --- Good Roads and Civilization (Nelson A. Miles) --- The Farmers' Right to Recognition (R. H. Kern) --- The Relation of Roads to Schools (K. H. Jesse) --- Factors in America's Progress (Samuel Hill) --- The Press and the Roads (Robert Worthington Wright) --- Road Laws (M. R. Campbell) --- Practical Road Building Under the State-Aid Plan (W. L. Dickinson) --- What the South Wants (Charles P. Lane) --- Self-help Better than Government Aid (Lafe Young) --- Education of the People on the Good Roads Question (J. H. Brigham) --- The Iowa Idea of the Good Roads Problem (Albert B. Cummins) --- Good Roads as an Element in National Greatness (Theodore Roosevelt).