

Excerpts: No single plan of organization will suit all rural communities. There must be a clear and definite need for organization before any organization can hope to succeed. Since the needs of different rural communities differ, it must follow that the plans of organization must differ also, at least in some of their details. The plan here presented is intended only as a general guide, to be followed so far as it seems to meet the needs of any community which is studying the problem of organization. They who are on the ground and know the local conditions must determine for themselves how far this plan fits the case. It is presented in the form of a general comprehensive organization of the whole community. Such an organization is desirable wherever possible. However, some parts of this plan ought to be of use to every existing organization in a rural community, however narrow its scope or purpose. The plan is similar to that of the chambers of commerce in some of our cities. The whole membership of the organization is to be divided into committees, each member being assigned to one committee.




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