

Context and background Land reclamation in Eti-Osa and Lagos Island, Lagos State, has led to infrastructure development but also created hazards like water overflow due to inadequately maintained drainage systems and uncontrolled urban growth. Goal and Objectives This study aimed to determine the area covered by land reclamation in Eti-Osa and Lagos Island, Lagos State, between 1992 and 2022, to mitigate hazards associated with reclaimed land for sustainable urban development. Methodology The spatiotemporal land use and land cover (LULC) were determined using historic Landsat images from different years (1992, 2002, 2013, and 2022). The reclaimed areas were extracted from the classified LULC, with the initial LULC map serving as the baseline data. The reclaimed areas were then detected by overlaying the LULC maps from 2002, 2013, and 2022, determining the area converted from water bodies and wetlands to bare land and built-up areas. Results The results showed that land use and land cover types in the study area included bare land, built-up areas, forests, shrubs, water bodies, and wetlands. The increase in built-up areas and bare land from 1992 to 2022 indicates urban development, while land reclamation on water bodies and wetlands has contributed to urban development. The study recommends the development of green infrastructure and sustainable urban drainage to absorb and store storm runoff, avoiding flood hazards and providing an absorption and storage area for storm runoff.




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