

This article discusses the recent Brazilian strategy in the field of intellectual property rights applied to new varieties and seeds. Intel- lectual property is here understood as an economic tool to articulate and to coordinate the economic and technical agents involved in the process of development and diffusing of new varieties and seeds. The article deals with data from the National Service on Variety Protection and also with data from the Brazilian seed market. Among the main findings it shows that the recent strategy of EMBRAPA (the national public resear- ch institution) along with the recent emergence of foundations of seed production and commercialization (formed by small seed producers in different regions of the country), has caused important changes in the seed market structure. Of course, this movement has not been equal among all species and all market branches, but it is actually impressive among some of them (like corn and soybean seed markets). In this process, public research institutions can play an important role, especially if they are capable to build strong capabilities in dealing not only with genetics and seed production, but also with the national and the international regulatory frameworks.




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