Since the transformation of Albania's agricultural sector in 1992, it has shifted from subsistence farming to a thriving commercial industry, making a significant 17.7% contribution to the country's GDP. Among the agricultural subsectors, animal production, particularly in the dairy sector, plays a pivotal role in both farm income and market supply, contributing about 40% to the total agricultural value. Despite this positive trajectory, the dairy production sector is confronted with a set of challenges. This paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of the dairy sector in Albania, using a systematic methodological approach that involves primary and secondary data analysis. The analysis underscores the need for substantial improvements in various aspects of primary production. These improvements should primarily focus on feed and forage practices, specialized dairy breeds, and advanced animal husbandry techniques. Attention is also required for milking and milk collection, which includes maintaining high standards of hygiene, animal health control, milk safety, quality controls, and effective cooling systems. Furthermore, the conclusions highlight the significance of strengthening public extension services, motivating agricultural advisors, and providing financial support to address the knowledge gaps among farmers. Additionally, it is crucial to emphasize that Albania currently depends on net imports for various agricultural products, including milk, as it aligns with EU standards. This underscores the need for efforts to enhance competitiveness and food quality within the dairy sector. The findings of this study are based on the information and data accessible at the time of the analysis, and thus, they may not capture the entirety of the complexities within the dairy sector in Albania. The dairy industry is subject to various external factors, such as changes in global markets, trade policies, and economic conditions, which can influence its performance. In summary, while this research provides valuable insights into the challenges and prospects of Albania's dairy sector, readers should consider these limitations to understand the potential constraints and biases in the study, as well as the dynamic nature of the industry beyond the scope of this analysis.