Excerpts from the report: The number of active associations at the close of the 1935-36 season was 10,500. Sixty-nine percent of the associations were located in the 12 North Central States and eight percent in the 3 Pacific Coast States. Minnesota, with 1,401 associations, led all other States. Wisconsin was second in relative importance with 1,086 associations, and Iowa third, with 954 associations (table 1). The 10,500 associations had an estimated membership of 3,660,000. Seventy-four percent of this membership was in the marketing associations and twenty-six percent in the purchasing associations. Marketing groups with a membership of over one-half million were: Dairy, with 720,000 members; grain, with 610,000; and livestock, with 600,000. The cooperative business of these farmer associations for the 1935-36 marketing season amounted to $1,840,000,000. The five States credited with the largest amounts of business were: California, $196,430,000; Illinois, $162,000,000; Minnesota, $149,050,000; and Iowa, $117,640,000.