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Based on statistical data produced by several competent organizations, this article discusses, first, the evolution of sales of organic food products and the weight they represent in the overall food market. Representing 6.3% of the French food market in 2021 compared to 3.2% in 2015, organic products have enjoyed strong growth in recent years. Since 2021, however, the market has been facing many difficulties, mainly due to inflation, which is leading consumers to make new trade-offs in their purchasing actions. In a second step, this article focuses on French organic animal products, which will represent a little less than a quarter of organic food purchases in 2021. Organic livestock products are marketed for the most part through mass distribution channels and are not very concerned by foreign trade. Thus, contrary to other organic sectors (including fruit and vegetables), domestic consumption is almost exclusively assured by products from the national market. If the consumption of organic animal products has developed, at least until very recently (2021), there is however strong competition with other signs and quality labels (Label Rouge, AOP, IGP, CCP, etc.). In France, the share of organic production in total agricultural production (expressed in tonnage) is increasing, but it varies according to the sector. Eggs rank first on this criterion (15.4% of national production), ahead of dairy products (5.2% of cow's milk collection) and, further behind, meats, particularly pork and poultry (between 1% and 2% of slaughterings).




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