Excerpts: The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library (NAL) in Beltsville, Maryland, holds a vast archive of historical documentation covering all aspects of agriculture. This bibliography focuses on works and authors selected from the Library collection that pertain to sustainability in agriculture. It was compiled in the hope of increasing recognition of and access to knowledge that might help address today’s challenges to a sustainable agriculture. This bibliography includes almost 200 annotated references to historical and current works that pertain to many facets of sustainable agriculture. The references are arranged chronologically starting with 50 AD and concluding with two citations from 2007. Indexes to the chronological list are provided in the form of author, title and topical indexes. This compilation also includes a short list of books and articles about the history of sustainable and organic agriculture (Appendix A), and a directory of online libraries containing full-text historical works about agriculture (Appendix B).