

In terms of the economy, agriculture plays a significant role. In agriculture, automation has become a major concern and a hot topic around the world. Food and employment demand are rising as a result of a rapidly expanding population. Using the new methods, billions of people were able to meet their dietary needs while also gaining employment opportunities. Farming has undergone an enormous change thanks to artificial intelligence. Crop yields have been protected by this technology from a variety of threats, including climate change, population growth, labour shortages, and concerns about global food security. Weeding, spraying, and irrigation are just a few of the many uses for artificial intelligence in agriculture that this paper examines in detail, with the help of sensors and other tools built into machine and drones. Water, pesticide, herbicide, and soil fertility use, as well as labour use, are all reduced thanks to these new technologies, which boost output while also improving product quality. Robots and drones are being used for weeding in agriculture, and this paper compiles the findings of numerous researchers to give readers an overview of the current state of automation in agriculture. Soil water sensing techniques and two automated weeding methods are discussed. It is discussed in this paper how drones can be used for spraying and crop monitoring, as well as the various methods they can employ.




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