

Report Summary: The refuse vines from pea canneries are valuable as silage, as hay, as a soiling crop, and as a fertilizer. Their use as silage is the most general practice. They may be ensilaged either in a silo or in a stack. Pea-vine silage compares very favorably with corn silage and by many is regarded as superior, especially for dairy cows. It is also valuable for beef cattle and sheep and is sometimes fed to horses, mules, and hogs. It has been successfully used as an exclusive roughage for dairy and beef cattle, sheep, and even horses. Pea-vine hay is a valuable feed for all classes of stock. It is of exceptional value for milch cows and sheep and for conditioning thin stock, especially horses and mules. It is generally considered to be equal or even superior to clover hay. Pea vines are valuable as a soiling crop, but their use as such is limited to the immediate vicinity of the cannery or viner. As a manure, pea vines have an actual fertilizer value of about $2.60 a ton.




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