

Mexico is considered the main producing country of Mexican lemon (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle), the state of Michoacán in recent years has had a high growth in production, it is positioned as the main lemon producer, where 98% of this variety is grown and 90% is concentrated in the Apatzingán region. The objective of the research was to analyze the profitability of Mexican lemon production in the municipality of Apatzingán, Michoacán. It was carried out during the productive cycle of the year 2021 (January to December), based on a case study with three informant producers from the municipality through semi-structured interviews. The first line of the Political Analysis Matrix and its indicators were used to measure profitability at private costs, follow-up was given for a year of production costs and the producers' accounting through record sheets. The information was captured in the Excel® program for analysis. The results showed a private profitability or positive profit, for the three Mexican lemon productions, the lemon price paid to the producers was volatile during the study year between 6.8 to 23.2 $/kg, the private cost ratio was between 0.33 and 0.57 being competitive since the value was less than one, however, the high added value in the total income was between 93% and 95% found in this activity is very demanding of labor, mainly in the harvest of the fruit, however, the contribution to the regional economy is minimal since the income generated does not stay in the municipality.




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