

China has experienced rapid rural transformation in the past four decades. Accompanying the rapid transformation are a significant rise in rural household income and a substantial fall in rural poverty. Based on the indicators of rural transformation (share of high-value agriculture and share of rural labour employment in non-farm activities) and its outcomes (per capita income and poverty incidence), this paper examines the evolutions of and the relationships between provincial rural transformation and its major outcomes. The results show that all provinces have undergone significant rural transformation, but the level and speed of transformation has differed considerably among provinces. Both graphic and regression analyses indicate that there is strong correlation between the level of rural transformation and its outcomes: a higher level of transformation is often positively associated with a higher level of per capital income and a lower level of poverty incidence in rural China. Furthermore, a general category of provincial rural transformation in terms of high-value agriculture and rural labours’ non-farm employment is conducted. The likely impacts of institutions, policies and investments on rural transformation are also discussed. The paper concludes with several policy implications.




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