The aim of this study was to examine the effect of academic burnout components on academic achievement among agricultural students at Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University (RANRU), Khuzestan province, Iran. The statistical population consisted of all senior agricultural students at RANRU (N=390) of whom 200 were selected by the stratified random sampling method (n=200). The main research instrument was a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by a panel of experts, average variance extracted, and discriminant validity, and its reliability was established by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability. Data were analyzed by SPSSWin23 and SmartPLS3 software. Results of structural equation modeling revealed that academic burnout components (emotional exhaustion, academic cynicism, and academic inefficacy) had significant and negative effects on academic achievement among agricultural students at RANRU. The study may be useful to teachers, counselors, managers, policy-makers, and parents who may be able to assist students to reduce burnout. It is recommended that programs be developed to create awareness and encourage students in order to reduce academic burnout.