

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of various irrigation levels and fertilizer materials on water use and yield of onion crop (Allium cepa L.). The experiment was carried out at the Irrigation Research Farm which is located at latitude 110 11’ N longitude 70 38’E and 686m above the mean sea level in the Northern Guinea Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria (semi-arid zone). A randomized block design was used, with four irrigation levels and three fertilizer materials in three replications. Water was conveyed to the check basins using calibrated 7.5cm diameter Plastic pipes under observation using stopwatch. The minimum crop water use was 275.4mm corresponding to the treatment 25% irrigation level and chicken droppings (CH) while the maximum CWU was 405.2mm corresponding to 100% irrigation level and Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium (NPK). The crop water use efficiency varied from a minimum value of 1.24kg/m3 recorded at 25% irrigation level and NPK to a maximum value of 2.41 kg/m3 recorded at 100% irrigation level and CD. The highest irrigation water use efficiency of 1.02kg/m3 was recorded at 25% irrigation level and CH while the corresponding lowest value of 0.23kg/m3 was recorded at the 75% irrigation level and NPK. This implies that irrigation water use efficiency has an indirect relationship with irrigation level. The biomass yield ranged from the minimum of 22.0 t/ha recorded at the 75% irrigation level and NPK to the maximum of 39.2t/ha obtained from 100% irrigation level and CH. After curing, the yield ranged from 13.9t/ha to 25.6t/ha obtained from 25% irrigation level and CD and 100% irrigation level and CH respectively.




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