

Excerpts: At the request of the National Fruit and Vegetable Committee of the American Farm Bureau Federation and a number of cooperative associations, the Cooperative Research and Service Division has prepared a list of references to recent literature on the marketing of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This literature reflects for the 10-year period covered, 1931-40, the many changes that have taken place in methods of handling perishable produce. The primary purpose of the list is to make more readily available sources of data that may be of practical assistance to the cooperatives engaged in marketing fruits, vegetables, and nuts. In general, the scope of material selected has been confined to the marketing of fruits, vegetables, and nuts grown in the United States. Titles on the marketing of these commodities - fresh, dried, and canned - include the subjects of standardization, grades, packages, packing, labeling, markets, marketing methods, marketing economics, and marketing information. The bibliography contains also some material on costs, prices, returns, inspection, enforcement, credit, exports, and possible effects of World War II upon the outlook for growers.




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