Contents: Land Utilization and the Farm Problem (R. A. Pearson, Presiding) --- The Agricultural Outlook and the Land Problem (Nils A. Olsen) --- The Place of Federal Reclamation in a Federal Land Policy (Elwood Mead) --- Relation of Land Utilization to the General Objectives of the Federal Farm Board (James C. Stone) --- Developing a National Policy of Land Utilization (Arthur M. Hyde) --- Land: Its Use and Misuse (Charles E. Hearst) --- Land Utilization in the Western Range Country (William Peterson) --- Extent and Emergency Character of Problems of Submarginal Lands (Thomas P. Cooper) --- New York's Land-Utilization Program (C. E. Ladd) --- Some Ways of Dealing with the Problems of Submarginal Land (L. C. Gray) --- Land Inventory as a Basis for Planning Land Utilization (L. R. Schoenmann) --- What Methods Should Be Employed to Take Submarginal Lands Out of Agricultural Production? (H. W. Mumford) --- General Discussion --- The Place of Forestry in a National Land-Utilization Program (James C. Farmer, Presiding) --- National Economic and Social Objectives in Forest Policy (Raphael Zon) --- Land Utilization and Conservation (George D. Pratt) --- Turning Submarginal Crop Lands within the Farm to Wood-Lot Uses (James Fowler) --- What Are the Possibilities of Private Forestation? (S. T. Dana) --- Fitting Forestry Into a General Program of Land Utilization (R. Y. Stuart) --- The Coordination of State and Federal Efforts in the Development of a Land-Utilization Program (Cully A. Cob) --- General Discussion ---Readjustments in Taxation Made Necessary by Changes in Land Utilization (Arthur W. Gilbert, Presiding) --- Fiscal Problems of Local Communities Resulting from Changing Conditions of Land Utilization (George S. Wehrwein) --- Adjustments for Greater Economy in Local Public Expenditures (John C. Watson) --- Should Other Industries Help Bear the Financial Burden of Maintaining a Rural Civilization? (C. V. Gregory) --- Adjusting the Tax Burden to the Tax-Paying Ability of the Tax Bearer (Richard T. Ely) --- Redistribution of the Responsibility for Supporting Governmental Functions (Fred Brenckman) --- Changes in Taxation Requisite for a Sound Program of Land Utilization (Eric Englund) --- Some Ways of Relieving the Excessive Burden on Farm Land (Mark Graves) --- General Discussion --- Adjustments in Farming in the Better Farming Areas (L. E. Cal, Presiding) --- Soil Conservation a Major Problem of Agricultural Readjustment (H. G. Knight) --- Soil Classification a Basis of Agricultural Adjustments (J. G. Lipman) --- The Outlook a Basis for Adjustments in the Better Farming Areas (H. R. Tolley) --- A Regional Approach to the Problems of Farm Adjustments (C. L. Holmes) --- The Role of the Small Farm in Future Land Utilization in the United States (John D. Black) --- How Can Mechanization and Scientific Management Strengthen the Competitive Position of American Agriculture? (M. L. Wilson) --- Helping the Farmer Translate Economic Information into Action (C. W. Warburton) --- General Discussion --- Credit Problems in the Readjustment of Land Utilization and Farm Organization (C. O. Moser) --- Functions of Farm-Mortgage Agencies in Agricultural Readjustment (S. J. Westbrook) --- The Management of Farm Lands Held by Credit Agencies (Elbert S. Brigham) --- Some Problems in Financing Needed Readjustments in Land Utilization and Farm Organization (Norman J. Wall) --- Results of Directed Agricultural-Credit Movement: Georgia, 1931 (J. Phil Campbell) --- Broadening the Market for Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Debentures (E. H. Thomson) --- Increasing the Usefulness of the Intermediate Credit System as a Supplement to the Country Bank (Wood Netherland) --- A National Land-Utilization Program (Arthur M. Hyde, Presiding) --- Report of Committee on Summaries and Conclusions, as Amended and Adopted by the Conference --- Discussion and Adoption of the Report --- Institutions and Organizations Represented.