

Agribusiness is vital for economic development. However, in recent years there have been a series of changes and new challenges to the sector, such as meeting new and greater demands of the population, caring for the environment, new forms of distribution and marketing of products, among others. These factors have led to a growing demand for professionals in agribusiness with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and capacities to face the growing and increasingly complex challenges of the sector. In this sense, it is unknown if the universities are training professionals in agribusiness with the skills that are required, so the purpose of this research was to analyze curricular documents of agribusiness careers, through curricular analysis, to know if the degrees prepare their students with the skills that employers demand. It was detected that there is a series of skills and values that the environment demands and are not promoted to students. In addition, bachelor's degrees impart specialized technical knowledge that is little valued by employers. It is concluded that there are weaknesses in the curricular contents of agribusiness careers. The implication for agribusiness careers in Mexico is to find ways to provide their students with the set of characteristics sought by employers.




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