

This study evaluates the impact · of ·Actiortaid · developmental activities· in s9hle communities in Nasarawa:. state: The apptoach used was looking at the situation befo_re. and_ after the intervention of Actionaid in these ·communities: Results from ·the stl},dy shows that the lives of the people·of taffected communities have witnessed considerable improvement in terms of their knowledge and ·application ·of good hygiene, better attendance of hospital for babies'-deliveries as ·well as postnatal care. The people:riow , are economically better-as more -people-can now eat three-square meals per-day as· opposed to just one or two in the past.-It was also shown that there are now prim~.ry: schools and- health centres in these communities thus making it possible for children . that, would have been out of school to be in schools and making health care delivery to be at that doorstep of the people of these communities. The studies has thus confirrii~d • that Actionaid is not just out as a noise making NGOs .but really interested::and. committed to the development of less privileged members of the rural communities in Nigeria It is also hoped that more efforts by various _NGOs .arid government w·ould facilitate rapid rural areas developmentthat would heln iri promoting good succession in agricultural development s_ince young people ready to stay in such developeo rural areas and consequently embrace agriculture as a profession.




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