Excerpts from the Foreword: The bibliography includes, in its general section, references to the interests, activities and problems of this group of young people their educational needs, the opportunities or lack of opportunities for obtaining the jobs they want, their, attitudes toward their problems and the steps they themselves are taking to try to remedy the situation, as well as the attempts being made by organizations to meet their needs. A section of the bibliography is devoted to the activities of organizations of these young men and women - their work through membership in collegiate clubs, in Senior 4-H Clubs, in the Future Farmers of America, and other organizations. Other sections deal with the way in which libraries and churches are meeting the problems of this group; recreational opportunities; relief statistics; and the possibilities of a rural youth movement in this country. A section is devoted to vocational guidance and one to vocational agriculture and home economics, which includes part-time classes under the Smith-Hughes and Smith-Lever acts, special agricultural schools and short courses offered in established colleges and universities. A list of agencies, governmental, and other, which deal wholly or in part with this group of young people has been included. A detailed author and subject index is appended.