Excerpts from the Foreword: This bibliography is a selected list of references to general books and articles in the field of anthropology and to works on the culture of individual peoples and communities, particularly those in which their agriculture is discussed and the man-land relationship is brought out. Its purpose is to lead research workers to sources dealing with the total culture of these peoples so that they may see the part that agriculture and food-getting activities play in it. The bibliography falls broadly into two sections. In the first a general list of books, selected from the most widely known, is given as an introduction to anthropology, cultural anthropology, and primitive economics. The second, or main section, includes two types of material: ethnographies which are entirely descriptive in character, but which contain something on agriculture; and analytical works, which show the relationship between the various elements in a culture and indicate agriculture's place in it. Aside from the general section, the items are classified geographically. A subject and author index is appended.