

Excerpts from the Foreword: This is a selected list of references on the distribution of farm income by. income groups. Although it covers the years 1931-1941, inclusive, a very few references to publications of an earlier date have been included. As the emphasis throughout is on the distribution of income by size, or income groups, the list does not contain references on the income of the average or the individual farm. No attempt has been made to include references to all of the numerous farm business and farm, management reports which have been issued, many in mimeographed form. A few general references and a few on the distribution of urban income are given in a separate list at the end of the main part of the bibliography, pp. 66-73. Call numbers following the citations are those of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Library, unless otherwise noted. "Libr. Cong." preceding a call number indicates that the publication is in the Library of Congress. An author and brief subject index is appended.




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