

Excerpts from the Foreword: The domestic allotment plan has been presented in many forms, with the following basic aims (as stated in "Economic Situation of Hog Producers," Senate Document No. 184, 72nd Congress. See item 166.): "(1) To increase the returns to the individual producers by means of a price supplement (variously called ‘domestic allotment benefit,' ‘fair exchange allowance,’ ‘bonus,’ etc.) on his domestic allotment, that is, on that portion of his production which is deemed to represent his part of the domestic requirements for the crop or class of livestock; and (2) to control production either by avoiding stimulation of production or by requiring definite curtailment by individual farmers as a condition of receiving benefits under the plan. This bibliography is arranged in two parts. The first contains references on the beginnings of the plan, prior to 1932, and the second contains references to material published, from 1932 to date. An author and subject index is appended.




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