

This article concentrates on evaluating residents' satisfaction with the implementation of the pairing aid policy in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It introduces the key factors influencing the evaluation of residents' satisfaction with the performance of the pairing aid policy in Xinjiang by investigating the related data acquired from 12 field studies. It builds a binary logistic regression model via modern econometrics theory and utilizes the regression model to conduct the empirical analysis of influencing factors. The results reveal that there is no variation between the residents' education level, ethnicity, location, and satisfaction with the work of village cadres on the residents' evaluation of the implementation effect of the pairing aid policy in Xinjiang. Besides, ten variables such as residents' gender, age, revenue, occupation, whether they are rural residents, and satisfaction level (pairing aid policy in Xinjiang, state subsidy policy, medical improvement, education improvement, housing condition improvement) are steady and significant factors affecting residents' satisfaction with the implementation effect of pairing aid policy in Xinjiang. Finally, based on the analysis and findigns, it proposes corresponding countermeasures.




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