Excerpts from the Preface: This bibliography includes references to publications dealing with the economic aspects of the grape industry in the United States since January, 1920. The references cover not only grapes, but raisins, currant grapes, and a few grape products. Foreign publications have been omitted except some which deal with foreign markets for American products. The references are to publications in the library of the United States Department of Agriculture and to a few publications in the Library of Congress. The call numbers used in the library of the United States Department of Agriculture have been given in most cases. The reports, proceedings, and transactions, from 1920 to date, of the horticultural societies of the principal grape-growing States were examined for important references to the economic aspects of the industry. No effort was made to search the statutes of each State for laws affecting the grape industry, but when such references were found they were included. The Agricultural Census for 1925 only has been included, as the publication of the returns from the 1930 Census had not been completed when this bibliography was compiled.