

The main nut-producing region is located in the South of the United States and North of Mexico, these two countries being the main world exporters, for Mexico the production is obtained in the months of October to December. Chihuahua occupies about 67% of the national production and the same proportion of the area planted with walnut and Sonora occupies the third place in the area sown. Until 2020 the national area of the crop remained at 108,771 hectares. During the period from 2014 to 2020, an increase in the planted area was observed, being one of the factors that encourage the expansion of the crop is the international market, since around 80% of the national production is mainly exported to the United States and China. The nut is the fastest growing fruit crop in Sonora, in 2018 the volume of nut production grew from 7,867 ton to 24,053 ton its production value was $2´036,8580 million pesos. The profitability of the walnut crop for the Costa de Hermosillo was analyzed taking as reference information from private producers as well as official sources having obtained that for the cost of production throughout the cycle was $105,227 pesos, a working capital for $87,912, the Profit-Cost Ratio of $1.52, that is, for each invested peso $0.52 pesos are recovered while the breakeven point was 1.31 t for the total payment of the investment as well as interest and of 1.22 t only for the payment of direct costs. With these indicators, the cultivation of walnut for the Costa de Hermosillo represents a good investment opportunity for agribusinesses.




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