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The income of non-salaried agricultural workers is at the heart of many debates and analyses concerning the economic trajectory of French farms. According to data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), the farm income (before tax) per annual work unit (non-salaried AWU) amounted on average to 29,500 euros (in constant 2019 prices) over the ten-year period 2010-2019. This average, which is subject to strong inter-annual variations depending on the evolution of international prices and harvested quantities, masks a very strong heterogeneity. To account for this aspect, two typological grids are proposed in this paper, based on a combination of three indicators, namely labor productivity, productive efficiency and debt sustainability. After analyzing the evolution of income dispersion of non-salaried AWU over the last ten years, we present how the two grids were constructed. An application to FADN data permits to measure teachings (developments, progress) in terms of the distribution of French farms and farm incomes. The variability of farm incomes per annual work unit is strong across farm types, but also within each type of farms. The paper aims to convince public and private producers of data on agricultural income to implement whenever possible the two typological grids introduced here.




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