

Excerpts from the report: The Special Milk Program was initiated in public and private schools in September 1954, pursuant to Public Law 690, 83rd Congress. This law amended a price-support provision of the Agricultural Act of 1949. Beginning with the 1957 fiscal year, the program was broadened to include summer camps, nursery schools, orphanages, and similar child-care institutions. The primary purpose of the program is to increase milk consumption among children through lowering its cost to them and thereby making it more readily available. This study of factors affecting milk consumption in summer camps is one in a series of reports evaluating selected aspects of public programs. The research on which it is based is part of a broad program designed to expand the market for farm products. Specific objectives were to obtain information upon which educational programs might be developed to encourage increased consumption of milk in nonprofit summer camps and to provide a better basis for milk producers, processors, and distributors to appraise the potential market for whole milk in this outlet. The study was conducted in July and August 1958 in a random sample of 109 nonprofit resident summer camps participating in the Special Milk Program. The sample was representative of all such camps in the States of Maine, Massachusetts, and New York.




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