The concept of this article builds upon works dealing with current issues in the area of forms of business in rural areas, i.e. the theoretical background for research of rural areas from business perspective. Additional sources come from works regarding amenity migration, for it is particularly this group of new residents who can introduce new business directions to rural areas and creatively harness the potential for various economic activities. The objective is to assess the business development opportunities in rural areas and the related influence of amenity migrants. It is necessary to include other aspects in this debate, such as social cohesion, education and economic growth. The basis for the evaluation of the findings of this research consists of structured interviews with members of local and regional authorities, which serve to obtain in-depth and detailed information. The questionnaire is structured in such a way so as not to interfere with the overall quality and value of the research. The results of the research so far confirmed that there is a certain technological development associated with rural areas, be it in areas of transport, communication technologies, digitization, or transformation technologies (Binek, 2007). This fact translates not only into a larger number of job opportunities, but also into a larger space for business, economy, geoFigurey, and sociology (Pato, Teixeira, 2016).