Excerpts from the report: How much tung nut growers get for their crop depends mainly on the size of the crop and the quantity of oil it contains, as estimated by the processor. Processors who follow closely the standard sampling procedure developed by the American Oil Chemists' Society make it possible for producers to get prices that are more nearly equitable than they could get otherwise. Tung oil, one of the more important of the quick-drying oils, has been used in manufacturing for many years. Its important uses now are in the manufacture of linoleum and oilcloth, printing ink products, and military goods. It was classified by the Government as one of the six strategic oils during World War II. The present study has served to emphasize the wide variations in the composition of the tung nuts and the many factors that affect the oil content as delivered at the mills in the marketing operations of the producer. Present methods of harvesting, handling, storing, and sampling the tung crop are costly and not altogether satisfactory.