

Agri-entrepreneurship development services are critical support systems for agribusiness initiatives of cooperative enterprises engaged in the production of staple commodities such as rice. Thirty agrarian reform beneficiary-members of BENTCH Agrarian Reform Cooperative in Buruanga, Aklan were asked to assess the agri-entrepreneurship services project performance of the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) of the Department of Agrarian Reform. This paper presents the results of such assessment, which covers the entire project period, from 15 January 2015 to 15 January 2016. Results show that agri-extension services and business development services were delivered to ARBs. All of the ARBs found project services relevant to their agri-enterprise needs, but pointed out the lack of adequate time for training and coaching, and farm technology demonstrations. The study recommends intensive coaching and mentoring sessions and demo farm practicum; maintaining a core of trainers within the cooperative; and a continuing partnership between DAR, service providers, and the beneficiary cooperative for follow-up training programs and agribusiness services, among others.




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