Excerpts from the report Foreword: The subject of hog cholera was closely identified with the United States Department of Agriculture from the time the former Bureau of Animal Industry was established in 1884. Indeed, it was primarily hog cholera, with its ravages to the swine industry, that indicated the need for an organization to study and control animal diseases on a national basis and led to the establishment of the Bureau of Animal Industry. This report brings under one cover the hog cholera research work of the Department of Agriculture. Originally, it was intended to be a report of the history of hog cholera research of the former Bureau of Animal Industry from its establishment in 1884 to the end of 1953, when the Bureau lost its identity in the reorganization of the Department. However, hog cholera research has been a continuing function in the Department. An account of the research activities since 1954 is included in an Addendum.