

Jalapeño pepper is a horticultural variety widely cultivated for its appearance and popularity within Mexican gastronomy and as a canned product in the international market. For this reason, an analysis of the behavior of jalapeño pepper production was carried out during the period from 1999 to 2018, with statistical information on volume (t), prices ($/kg), area harvested (ha), Yield (t/ha) at the national level and for the state of Quintana Roo. With this information, basic indices calculated, finding that as of 2014, the value of production increased considerably to $ 3,863,762.6 (constant value) following the same trend until the end of the period, caused mainly by the growth of 73.0% of the price. For the state of Quintana Roo, there was more variability and it was not possible to identify a period of production growth but peaks in three different years (1999, 2006 and 2011) due to increases in the volume of production derived from the yields of 12.0 t/ha, more than due to market prices. Likewise, it found that because most of the surface planted in the state is seasonal, it is more susceptible to extreme rains and floods that affect local production.




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