Excerpts from the Report: Within the last 75 years cottonseed has advanced from a waste product to a major income producer in the Cotton Belt, and the products derived from cottonseed are important in the national economy. During the 5 years 1945-1949, the farm value of cottonseed averaged over 300 million dollars annually. Therefore, it is important that methods and facilities necessary to equitable and efficient marketing be provided. A necessary requisite to sound marketing procedures of any commodity is a standard method of grading. The principal objectives of the present study were: (1) To provide basic information and data on grading, sampling, and analyzing cottonseed; (2) to ascertain the difference between the quantity and quality of products, as indicated by the official methods of grading, sampling, and analyzing cottonseed, and the quantity and quality of the actual outturn of products of cottonseed oil mills; and (3) to use these data and information in relating the official system as accurately as possible to the actual milling outturn.