The objective of this paper is to assess, empirically, the effects of agricultural and non-agricultural exports on economic growth in Ivory Coast. The data used are those of the World Bank (World Development Indicators) and the Central Bank of West African States and cover the period from 1985 to 2015. The analysis of the data required the use of the AutoRegressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). It emerges from the study that the agricultural exports have positive and significant effects on the Gross Domestic Product. However, this rate appears to be increasingly weak in long term. On the other hand, the non-agricultural exports have a positive but not significant effect on economic growth in short term. Nevertheless, in the long run, they improve the country's economic performance. Moreover, the Gross Fixed Capital Formation stimulates the economic wealth generation. Finally, the trade openness negatively affects the economic development. Therefore, the Ivorian government, while giving priority to improving the competitiveness of export products, must apply a diversification policy in order to reduce the risks of deterioration in the terms of trade.