

Land use regionalization is a strategic measure for the rational use, management and protection of land resources based on local conditions. Based on the needs of targeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategy and the analysis on the natural and socioeconomic conditions, characteristics of land resources, and the current status of land use in Luquan County, corresponding regionalization indices were selected from four aspects: economic environment conditions, socioeconomic conditions, land resources and land use structure, and poverty alleviation and development level, a scientific and feasible index system for land use regionalization was constructed, and land use in Luquan County was regionalized by using systematic cluster analysis method. The results show that the 16 townships (towns) of Luquan County were divided into 4 land use regions, poverty alleviation region for development of new town and characteristic industries in the southwest (I), agricultural development and ecological poverty alleviation region in central mountainous area (II), poverty alleviation region for development of characteristic agriculture and tourism towns in eastern plateau mountainous area (III), and poverty alleviation region for development of characteristic industries and protection of land economy in the northern alpine valley area (IV). In addition, suggestions were put forward for the rational use of land in each region.




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