KEY FINDINGS It is essential that NAIPs: -Establish the pathways to change and link these to impact indicators; -Align and consider international, African and regional instruments and declarations as well as domestic priorities; -Establish appropriate technical and political structures that avoid duplication and complexity; and -Ensure that clear coordination, supervision, monitoring, evaluation and reporting structures and frameworks are set out in a coherent and integrated manner. Key messages regarding the zero draft of the Nigeria NAIP2: -There is a disconnect between the APP, Agriculture Food and Nutrition Security Strategy and the NAIP2. -The zero draft NAIP2 is intended to be the implementation plan for the APP. The Agriculture Food and Nutrition Security Strategy is intended to be the food security pillar of the APP but is not included in the design of the NAIP2. -The conceptual framework, governance and implementation modalities and monitoring and evaluation sections would benefit from significant revision to align these with internal purposes and to the Malabo commitments and indicators. -Benchmarks, pathways to change and appropriate indicators for monitoring and achieving progress on the Malabo commitments are missing. -The elements on food security, nutrition, and gender are inadequate to achieve the CAADP Malabo commitments and contribute to the achievement of the ERGP and the APP.