The main purpose of the paper was to present foreign trade in lamb meat concerning exchanges between the countries of the European Union. In a targeted manner, all EU member states were selected for research as of 31/12/2018 (28 countries). The research period concerned the years 2005-2018. The sources of materials were literature and Eurostat data. For analysis and presentation of materials, descriptive, tabular and graphical methods, dynamics indicators based on a constant and variable basis, the Gini concentration coefficient, Lorenz curve concentration analysis and Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient were applied. The export of lamb meat in relation to other EU countries accounted for over 90% of total export of this type of meat. In the case of imports, it was just over 50%. There were countries only selling to other EU countries and those with buyers from outside the EU. The situation was similar in import. The concentration of lamb meat export and import decreased, faster for imports. There were also positive average relationships between foreign trade in lamb meat in relations with other EU countries and basic economic parameters.