The purpose of this research was to analyze the academic record of the Rarámuri students, from 2012 - 2017 at the Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua based on institutional parameters and faced difficulties by this ethnic group, in order to establish training strategies in accordance with reality. To achieve the proposed objective a case study, which allows broaden and deepen the knowledge of individuals and social groups, was developed. Likewise, as gathering information techniques bibliographic and structured interviews to 12 students who are part of the collective Rarámuri group were used. Within the selected period of registration in the FACIATEC there was a percentage of 6% of ethnic students in the total population, from which 53% are women and 47% men; of which 20% has accomplished the degree, 16% has dropped off school, 12% have finished their subjects, but lack to complete a research or other requisites; 12% caused temporary drop off, 30% are enrolled in a different generation, and 10% have the possibility to register and still have not done so. In the qualitative aspects, students stated that some of the barriers were technology, language, being away from their families and confront another culture, as well as the way of seeing and perceiving the world.