The experimental work was carried out during the period 2016-2017 in Bulgaria. Subject of research are tomato Vitelio cultivar, greenhouse grown at three levels of manuring and different irrigation regimes. The purpose of this study is to research the effect of applying three manuring schemes on irrigation with an optimal irrigation regime (M) and a controlled water deficit, with 75% and 50% of the irrigation rate being applied to dry matter and organic acids. From the presented distributions of the tested quality parameters of greenhouse tomatoes, it can be seen that the dry matter and titrimetric organic acids ratios are close to normal, and for the ascorbic acid indicator there are larger variations in the base values. The data is eligible for the sampling representatively requirements. Significant levels of p <0.05 were obtained for the three researched indicators, i. E. the results of multi-variate dispersion analysis could be used in order to develop strategies for irrigation and manuring of tomatoes to reduce environmental risk. Considering the quality indicator: ascorbic acid a decrease in the quantities has been registered with an increase in the manuring norms. The analysis of the results found that when increasing fertilizer levels, the content of ascorbic acid decreased, i.e., there is an increase in the cost of tomato production and a decrease in the quality of tomatoes.