Climate change a phenomenon mainly caused by the high level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission into the atmosphere of the Earth - makes human ecosystems vulnerable and is predicted to affect our everyday life in the near future. The increased intensity of storms, cyclones, drought and flooding; the greater magnitude and frequency of heat and cold waves and the continuous rise of the sea-level are likely to generate more geopolitical conflicts, especially in the most vulnerable regions of the planet. The three main categories of climate change impacts are classified as environmental, economic and social effects. The economic and social consequences of climate change are expected to significantly reduce the resilience of rural tourism regions and their capability to successfully respond to other possible critical events. Due to the impacts of natural disasters and extreme climatic events, global climate change affects European rural regions, too. The development of sustainable rural tourism requires the in-depth understanding of the ongoing processes and the development of tools that will serve the interest of tourism and local people alike.