The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the longest-produced sweetwater fish species, the global production of which covers around 3.4% (4.4 million tons in 2015) of the world’s fish production and fisheries. Carp is the third most significant fish species of the world’s aquaculture production and 97.3% of its global production is originated from aquaculture. Furthermore, carp amounts to 8.3% of the world’s aquaculture fish production. Its feed technology is fish meal-independent and is mainly based on cereals. In Europe, the common carp is the most important fish species of aquaculture populated with extensive polyculture. The Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Germany and Croatia are among the biggest carp production countries of the European Union. The combined output of the TOP 3 carp production countries of the EU (CZ, PL, HU) amounts to 67.7% of the EU-28 (2015). Trade between EU countries is done primarily in the form of live fish and secondarily as fresh, primary processed carp.