

The study sought to ascertain productive assets provided by FADAMA III/SEEFOR project to beneficiaries and the proportion of beneficiaries that are satisfied with operation, maintenance and utilization of the productive assets. It also identified the rural infrastructural subprojects provided by FADAMA III/SEEFOR project and the impact of these subprojects on beneficiaries' income. A sample of 170 respondents, comprising of 120 direct project beneficiaries and 50 non beneficiaries were drawn from the five local government areas under study. Data were generated with the use of structured questionnaire and analyzed through the use on descriptive statistics and the Difference in Difference method. Results indicate that 119 respondents representing 70% of the respondents were males while 38.82% were aged between 30 and 39 years; and 84.71% are married. Three enterprises including snailry, pepper and cassava processing enterprises were not satisfied with operation, maintenance and utilization of the productive assets provided to them. Average annual income of beneficiary households before the project implementation in the local government areas was N174,785.00 while that of non beneficiaries was N177,015.00 prior to the establishment of rural infrastructural subprojects. With the implementation of the project, the average income of all type of respondents' enterprises rose to N186,306.17 while that of non participants averaged to N178,662.17 implying an increase in income by 6.59% and 0.09% for participants and non-participants in the project respectively. It is recommended that the project should entrench proper measures towards ensuring that service providers execute projects to specification as this will improve the interest of the project to beneficiaries.




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