

This article gives the first summary of peculiarities of agro-food chains formation in Ukraine and their typology according to different classification characteristics. The study systemizes distinctive features of agro-food chains functioning from agro-holding to small producers and across some products. The questionnaire of agro-food chains actors, namely in agriculture and processing industry, allowed us to define the binding factors of their development and to justify measures for their overcoming. It is proved that a low level of management systems at agricultural and processing enterprises is one of the binding factors for agro-food chains sustainability in Ukraine. But it requires the activation of measures aimed at implementation of the European standards at all administrative levels. The driving forces for agro-food chains sustainability are explored as well, they are fair distribution of added value, implementation of innovations, reduction in negative impact on the environment, etc. On the base of this analysis, a set of recommendations to support the sustainability of agro-food chains was developed. They can help the government to develop strategic programmes for agrarian sector development and also they can help the chains actors.




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