

After approval of the Declaration of Independence (August 27, 1991), Moldova strives to strengthen its place among the democratic nations of the world and to reform the national economy. The appearance of the new socio-economic system open to the world, the triggering process to join the own efforts with the international community has produced arguably significant changes not only in nature, but also in the background, in the trade flows of agricultural products. Naturally, the trade of food products must be directed towards markets ensuring the free movement of products through progressive abolition of restrictions on trade between countries and/or groups of countries that head for balance the interests of producers and consumers. In the article the authors reflect on the market of food products, study the import and export of food products, search for the practice operation of the CIS market and Common Market, pursuant to which the authors come up with some proposals that would change the situation on the domestic food market for the better, and would accelerate the integration of the national market of agricultural goods in the EU Common Market.




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