

Although poultry growth have not been much older than a few decades in their industrial form worldwide, they have been able to play an important role to provide the necessary amount of protein in society. Market integration of poultry products has caused an optimized allocation of sources and an increase of efficiency as well as farmers' income by means of caring about price fluctuations. According to the importance of market integration of poultry products, in the present study the following data have been used; Chicken product with weekly prices over the period of 1999-2010 for provinces like Eastern Azerbaijan, Western Azerbaijan, Ardebil and Tehran, egg product with weekly prices over the period of 2006-10 for provinces like Eastern Azerbaijan, Western Azerbaijan and Ardebil. In order to achieve the goals of research, "Johansen" method have been used. The results of the research reveal market integration in chicken and egg products market. The law of one price is only true about egg product. In chicken market no providence are weak exogenous and in egg product market Eastern Azerbaijan is weak exogenous. According to the results, executing various policies in markets of each province for chicken product will only be transferred to other provinces in long term.




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