

Global food crisis has played its negative effects on sustainable development. A question has been raised: how could the families in both rural and urban areas struggle against this present global food crisis? This research aims at documenting household food consumption from January to October 2010 by interviewing with and operating a record keeping system of food consumption in 250 households of various income levels living in two different areas of Hanoi, the inner and suburban districts. There is variety of animal products consumed in each family of both areas. Indeed, pork meat, broiler chickens and freshwater fish were popularly used in all families; and broiler ducks are usually consumed in summer season. Furthermore, in the inner districts, there is a rise in the demand of red meats and aquatic products, particularly beef and seafood products. Home-made foods are still a major source of foods for all family members of most of families, however, families in urban areas tends to have breakfasts and lunches in restaurants. In rural areas, the soya curd (tofu) and self-made products from broiler chickens, vegetables, and the rice play an important role, occupying from 15% to 30% of food expenditures. In addition, pork meat and freshwater fish are usually bought in village markets. Through incomes of 82% of households are mainly from agricultural production or from between agriculture and off-farm activities, thanks to self-made products in most of households, the rural areas are not considerably influent by the present global food and financial crisis. Nevertheless, in order to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to equip farmers with sufficient knowledge of practical agricultural production.




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