There is no economic growth and development where there is no clear economic policy and development strategy, that is where there are no defined priorities, nor mechanisms for a strong and systematic support to the domestic economy. The author of this study advises economic policy makers to forget the mantras of neoliberal policies that previous governments used as an excuse not to take anything and to resolutely turn their own economic development and building a strong industrial sector. That would be a shortcut to rapid economic development and bridging the decades of stalemate and stagnation. Serbia does not lack resourcefulness, but quality state apparatus, as well as guidance and assistance in the way that countries that have successfully developed did. The greatest sin of our economic policy in the last quarter of a century is a tragic neglect of industry, especially manufacturing, or as a result of all this, and the emergence of a deep ravine between production and consumption, and totally neglecting technological development. Therefore, we are firm in the belief that, in the case of seriously disturbed the economic structure of production at the expense of our future development must rely on priorities, among which would be the development of the manufacturing sector of the economy, and within it of agriculture and food industry, where our chances are objective and greatest.