

The period from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the First World War for the Serbian people was filled with thunderous war and peace activities aimed liberation and unification. After the Balkan Wars, Turkey was finally banished from almost all over the Balkans, and Serbia has a decisive role in these wars, carried not only the liberation of Kosovo, Metohija and Vardar area already and gained a great reputation among their brethren in the Austro-Hungary. Habsburgs monarchy is now in Serbia saw a dangerous opponent and obstacle to the further penetration of east. First World War brought about the collapse of the Austro -Hungary and Serbia to win with greate victims. There is , with the assistance of the great powers and the creation of the first Yugoslav state (non-Bulgarians). This country is united, winners and losers. The animosity of the two parties, and the loyalty of the central government were and are insoluble problem. At the beginning of the dispute broke out in the first Constitution, but later changes had been made under pressure from without and from within, but without permanent result. Simple in one component of the State of Croatia, there was a sincere desire to preserve it.




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