

The modern world is painted with constant changes, in which the key to economic success lies in the ability of their understanding and optimally adapt to new business environments. The company is now fragmented by numerous lines - horizontal, vertical, and oblique and - the same number and interest of the opposing groups. These interests are opposed to a force that cannot be ignored. The force field imposed on certain moves and actions, even if the stakeholders have very different orientations. The forces produced by interweaving dynamic tendencies that generate the appropriate effects, and that the actors are not able, or to modify or to eliminate them. This complex constraint imposed by the act, and that same force and relentless, like the standard static constraints that economists are so close and are part of their usual analytical instruments. The disintegration of the bipolar system of international relations and a number of major political and economic consequences that are derived from it, have caused certain divert foreign policy and economic priorities. In today’s world, international and economic relations are a system of power relations, both political and economic. Economies are becoming less and less national, and increasingly global. However, regardless of the apparent trend in the international political and economic relations, the role of the state remains very significant, especially in the areas of economic relations. Most developed countries that their power based on economic superiority and supremacy in the field of manufacturing, its foreign policy priorities more shifting and linked to the economic sphere, trying to realize their interests, among other things, strong economic engagement.




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